Travel to Peru for New Year

Hello, Dear reader! If you are looking for an exceptional destination to travel for New Year’s Eve, you have come to the right place. In this article, we invite you to explore Peru’s wonderful traditions and exquisite gastronomy during the festive season. From the iconic baked stuffed turkey to the Santirantikuy, get ready to discover why Peru is the perfect destination to say goodbye to the year in a unique and great way!

Why Choose Peru to Celebrate New Year’s Eve?

Peru, a country full of geographic and cultural diversity, is a perfect destination to celebrate New Year’s Eve. From the ruins of Machu Picchu to cities like Lima, Tarapoto, Arequipa and Cusco, Peru offers a unique experience to say goodbye to the year.

Peru, a magical destination:

Peru, a magical destination:

Peru is known for its rich history, stunning natural landscapes and vibrant culture. Celebrating New Year’s Eve here means being surrounded by beauty and authenticity.

Celebrating in Cusco

Celebrating in Cusco

Peruvians know how to celebrate. From fireworks on the Miraflores seashore in Lima, to colorful parades in Cusco, New Year’s Eve festivities are unforgettable.

What are the New Year’s Eve Traditions in Peru?

New Year’s Eve traditions in Peru are fascinating and offer a unique insight into the local culture. Here are some of the most outstanding customs:

Peruvian New Year’s Eve: Peruvians have a tradition of wearing yellow underwear to attract good luck and red for love in the new year. In addition, they usually eat 12 grapes at midnight, one for each chime, and make requests while doing so.

Fireworks Cusco

Burning of dolls: In some regions of Peru, such as Arequipa, it is common to make dolls called “old year” that represent everything negative from the previous year. These dolls are burned at midnight, symbolizing a new beginning.

Peruvian Christmas traditions | Peruvian lucky cabals | Typical Peruvian New Year’s Eve music.

What should I know about Peruvian Gastronomy on New Year’s Eve?

Peruvian gastronomy is famous all over the world, and during the New Year’s Eve season, it turns into delicious dishes. Here are some important details:

Christmas Eve Dinner: On Peruvian Christmas Eve, traditional dishes are a delicious display of the country’s culinary richness. Baked stuffed turkey is the star, although its ingredients vary according to the region. Other favorites are baked suckling pig and baked chicken, each with its own special touch. Accompanied by side dishes such as arroz navideño and arroz a la jardinera, these meals are a feast.

What should I know about Peruvian Gastronomy on New Year’s Eve?

For dessert, enjoy delicious options such as apple or sweet potato puree, empanadas de globo and tanta wawa, a sweet bread that is popular in the Peruvian highlands. Christmas in Peru is a feast of unique flavors!

What should I know about Peruvian Gastronomy on New Year’s Eve?

Peruvian gastronomy is famous all over the world, and during the New Year’s Eve season, it turns into delicious dishes. Here are some important details:

Christmas Eve Dinner: On Peruvian Christmas Eve, traditional dishes are a delicious display of the country’s culinary richness. Baked stuffed turkey is the star, although its ingredients vary according to the region. Other favorites are baked suckling pig and baked chicken, each with its own special touch. Accompanied by side dishes such as arroz navideño and arroz a la jardinera, these meals are a feast.

What should I know about Peruvian Gastronomy on New Year’s Eve?

For dessert, enjoy delicious options such as apple or sweet potato puree, empanadas de globo and tanta wawa, a sweet bread that is popular in the Peruvian highlands. Christmas in Peru is a feast of unique flavors!

Is it safe to travel to Peru during the New Year’s Eve season?

travel to Peru during the New Year’s Eve

Peru is generally a safe destination for travelers, and the New Year’s Eve season is no exception. Here are some safety considerations:

Vaccinations and precautions: Make sure you are up to date on your vaccinations and take standard precautions, such as avoiding drinking unbottled water and protecting yourself from the sun in higher altitude regions.

Safety in celebrations: As in any other country, you should keep your belongings safe during festivities and avoid potentially dangerous areas, such as crowds.


How can I Participate in local New Year’s Celebrations in Peru?

Lama Christmas Peru

If you want to immerse yourself in local New Year’s celebrations in Peru, here are some tips:

Explore local traditions: Research regional festivities specific to the area you plan to visit and join in local activities.

For example, on December 24, Cusco celebrates the Santurantikuy fair. If you are interested in souvenirs, this is a very good place to buy them.

In conclusion, celebrating New Year’s Eve in Peru is an unforgettable experience that combines unique traditions, delicious gastronomy and exceptional hospitality. Get ready to travel to Peru for New Year and enjoy in a place full of magic and diversity!

Contact us and don’t wait any longer to live a unique Peruvian New Year’s experience!

Happy travels!

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