Why travel to Peru?
If you are still wondering if you should travel to Peru,
this article is for you

If you are reading this article is because you are probably planning a trip and you are not 100% sure where to go. You may have an ideal travel idea, but you haven’t found a destination that meets your expectations. Facts such as good climate, food, landscapes, adventures, experiences and a pleasant service are what you are surely looking for. But also, you hope this place is safe for you and the people you travel with.


The destination you are looking for is Peru!


Peru has these factors and more going for it.

In this article, we’ll tell you more about what our country has to offer you.

Good Climate

Machu Picchu

Peru - Cusco - lamas

Thanks to climatic factors and its geographical position, the climate of Peru is very varied, in fact, we have 38 microclimates, that is, if you are a sun lover, summer makes you happier, you want a good tan and what you are looking for is a beach destination, you will love Peru.

If, on the contrary, you are a person who enjoys cold climates, the smell of rain, being able to wear your winter outfits and have a good coffee or hot chocolate, Peru has many places where you will be happy. And if you are one of those who adore a beautiful blue sky with sun, where it is neither hot nor cold, we have the temperate climate you need.

Therefore, although there are certain dates on which we recommend traveling, you can visit us in the month you want and we will always have an option for you.

Our recommendations:


Although you can come at any time of the year, you can get better landscapes of Machu Picchu from April to October, since there is less rain, there will be a greater possibility of clearly seeing the mountains and you can take better photos of your trip.

The Peruvian coast:

If you want to visit Lima, “The City of Kings”, or the Peruvian North, the months of October to April are ideal. This is because on these dates we are in spring and summer, so you can enjoy a warm climate, a blue sky, beautiful beaches and wonderful waves.


Huanchaco Trujillo Peru

The best food in the world

It is no news to say that Peru has the best food in the world. Indeed, the World Travel Awards have recognized our country as “The best culinary destination in the world”. This is due to the cultural wealth, the “pachamama” (mother earth in Quechua) with its wonderful soils and our sea, which together with the Peruvian flora and fauna provide us with the necessary ingredients to prepare the more than 5 thousand rich stews with the that we count, such as the 2,600 varieties of native potato.

This country has 3 large regions: Costa, Sierra y Selva (Coast, Highlands and Jungle), which have a varied and representative gastronomy in each of them.

In addition, Peruvians like to try and create new dishes to satisfy their guests. In fact, Peru has used the European, African and Asian influence to its advantage.


You can eat deliciously everywhere and at a good price!


On the other hand, our country is recognized worldwide, because Virgilio Martinez, the best chef in the world (2017) is Peruvian. Moreover, The World’s 50 Best Restaurants recognized the Peruvian Pia León as the best female chef in the world. We even have 5 of the best restaurants in the world.


If you consider yourself a good food lover, you like to experiment with new dishes, you want to know the best restaurants in the world, Peru is your ideal place.

Here are some of the dishes that you should try when you visit our country:

Coast: Ceviche, Lomo saltado, Causa, Arroz con pollo, Ocopa, Ají de gallina, Anticuchos, Tamales, Carapulcra, Arroz con mariscos, Papa rellena, Tallarines verdes, Choritos a la chalaca



Highlands: Pachamanca, Trucha frita, Cuy chactado, Sopa de patasca, Papa a la huancaína, Olluquito con charqui, Shámbar


Jungle: Tacacho con cecina, Ensalada de chonta o palmito, Juane, Inchicapi, Patarashca, Timbuche, Humitas, Patacones, Ají de cocona

Tacacho con cecina y ají de cocona

Peru-tacacho con cecina

To know more about Perú, its tourist attractions, adventure and service quality, continue reading in “Why is Peru the destination you want to travel to? Part 2”… You won´t regret it!

If you need a peruvian travel agency, don’t hesitate to check our website and contact Peruvian Sunrise!

Thank you for reading!

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